Before I proceed, let me kindly state that the post you are about to read are my thoughts-you don’t have to agree or accept. It just my view.
Ok, sometimes last week, some one went through my twitter bio, and sent me a DM saying 'how can you say you are a Christian and still question your Faith?'
*sigh* how do I explain this sef.
ok,lets start this way. If you are a Christian, have you ever asked yourself, 'what if you were born into a Muslim home, brought up with the Muslim belief and practices, would you have converted? As an adult?
I have asked my self and my question is 'most likely no'.
Don’t get me wrong, asides from being brought up in a Christian home, I have done my own little pursuit and I can say that I have at least, more than once had an experience or should I say encounter with the God and Christ.
I have seen miracles happening, I have prayed and gotten answers, I have called upon the name of Jesus Christ in the dead of the night and felt the immediate effects I have experienced that awesome effect and feel of praise worship..abbl(ati be be lo).Somebody shout halleluiah!!!
Ok, But I was able to do all these because I had the fundamental beliefs and knowledge-I was exposed to it, taught about it from childhood. If I was born in a Muslim home, I most probably would have believed and trusted in what i was exposed and informed about-that is the Muslim religion and practices.
So at the end of the day,i didn’t particularly choose my religion-I inherited it. so also did 90 percent of other people. very few people actually convert from the religion the were born into. And for that to even happen, something very convincing would have happened to them that would have convinced them.
There are also those whose parents do not belong to any religion and were born into none-these set of people will end up with the most convincing or convenient group. How easy is it to convince someone that all they have lived their lives believing and trusting is a lie and that your own way is the truth? Especially if this said person do not have any major problems or situations where they need help from above? What can your ‘God’ offer that theirs can’t?
I have realised religion is one of the most debated topics ever, next to politics. I have watched people quote their religious books and all, claiming their religion is superior to the other’s, running other people’s religion down. Truth is, if your father and fore-fathers were Sango worshippers, and your life has been smooth from day one-wouldn’t you believe everything happened because you worshipped Sango with all your heart? Wouldn’t you go around with cowries in your hair and a fowl’s feather in your handbag?
And yes I have seen Nigerians talk of violence-especially in the north. Muslims are killing Christians and all that. In my opinion, its more of a tribal issue than religion. There are Muslims in the West too. People who kill other people and say its for religious reasons just needed an excuse and religion was the easiest reason. I personally do not think the Islamic religion supports violence or is there any religion that preaches hatred and killing. (erm, minus those ones we see in Africa magic sha)..
In summary, before you go around acting cocky and all that, raising shoulder and running down other people’s religious beliefs, just ask yourself this, if you were in their shoes, lived their lives, would you believe otherwise? Would you have chosen another faith?
As long as they dont hurt you or other people or even themselves, let people be. Dont force anything down people's throat.
If you offer someone a religious tract and they refuse it,no need to threaten or insult them. Everyone has a right to whatever religion they choose and so also a reason why they chose that religon.